Fallout 4 | How to become Invisible Glitch/Exploit - Permanent Invisibility in Fallout 4

2016-08-12 1

Fallout 4 Glitches and Exploits - How to become invisible glitch and stay that way - Permanent Invisibility how to guide - Fallout 4 Guides

To successfully do this glitch, you must first have the level 4 science perk and level 5 sneak perk. Once you have both of those i would recommend getting a T-60 or X-01 Power Armor because not all of them have the Stealth Boy modification. Head into your crafting station and install this mod.

Now enter the Power Armor and upon crouching you will notice that you become invisible. To stay invisible you must crouch 3 times really fast while already crouching and your character will glitch and stay invisible. To revert back just simply crouch again and move around.

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